Sunday 12 December 2010

Switch poster 2

This is my first poster i considered the plot of the story and thought carefully about the usage of my colour as i include a fade black border this represented secrecy as Frank and Charlie are forever planning schemes to be able to afford the one car, I also include red in the main title "SWITCH" as the titles in our movie are similar and i wanted to keep them in the same family this also relates to the effects i used as though out the film we used many effects.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think this is your strongest poster as it very eye-catching and appealling. However I do not believe that it fits the genre. The colour red and black fade effect portrays the story as something scary and in a horror film. I think if you change the colours it could be much better. Your strength is defiantly your layout/style which you have decided to use as it is very effective as it looks very professional.

  3. Poster 2 is my favourite of them all Halle :)
    You ave captures a good moment which is both funny and this image can also bee seen within the actual film.

    The layout of the images are strong and allow the audience to see both the characters and the background, which gives an indication to the film setting.

    My criticisms would be that the image is maybe a little too staurated as the duo look very orange.

    Also the feathered shadows effect around the edge of the whol poster is a little thick and cuts a little bit of Franks head off. The shadowing makes it harder to see the pairs facial expressions at first as again the saturation darkend the shadows on their faces.

    The thick shadowing is also on Poster 2, but it is worse there as it has completely blocked out the characters. My advice would be to zoom out of the image so you can actually see their faces as it wouldnt be much use just seeing their hands. In addition the dark shadow makes it harder to see the blac font on the poster so maybe make the shadow thinner or change the font colour.

    But otherwise great posters :) xx

  4. your posters are good, they introduce your characters, and their body language shows us their relationship, however the shadowing in the picture does make your poster abit dark, so we cannot see the characters facial expressions,i think you should either get rid of it and make them both like your first poster or make the shadows less visible.

  5. I prefer this poster more than the preious. The title clearly stands out. Also the fonts look more proffessional and appropriate. You could of placed some magazine ratings or quotes.
    The top of the poster looks to plain, it seems as though ,most information is placed at the bottom, however the colours and overall look is good.
